Monday, March 28, 2005

PC fair

Yesterday i went to pc fair to see if i can grab something which is cheap. The place was so crowded and i just had to make my way through the people slowly. I wanted to buy a mouse as my current mouse is about to retire since it served me at least for 5 years. Well, i found a stall which offer me a optical mouse bundled with multimedia keyboard. It cost me RM55 for that(45 for mouse and 10 for keyboard) and they even give a free mouse pad which has soft sponge on the end. But when i reached home and checked properly on the keyboard. Damm it ! How come the alphabetical is jumbled up. It isn't in the correct position and some of them even have weird characters. The multimedia buttons isn't functioning as it supposed to. When i click on the -vol, it pops out calculator. Ok fine, today i will try to download the new driver for that keyboard and will try it once more. Errr!!! Cheap things is never good !!

Today is such a sleepy day coz yesterday didn't had a good sleep. Was bothered by mosquitos!! i wake up on 2am and i start chasing those mosquitos. Just wait, i am going to install nett on the windows and you guys will never be able to fly in !! Then this morning when i wake up, i still saw some FAT mosquitos flying around happily. This time they will never survive coz they are TOO FAT!! i guess i feeded them well yesterday nite. When i smashed on them, wow....all the blood splashed out from their body. Hehe ....satisfied !


Blogger zbjernak said...

oversea keyboard mah
imported kot

10:54 AM  

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