Tuesday, October 04, 2005

Poor airline services...

Officer : Good morning sir.
Customer : Good Morning. I would like to apply for the e-visa. This is actually my 2nd visit to re-apply this coz last time you asked me to refer to embassy. So i called up embassy and they asked me to refer back to you during office hours. Anyway, pls try to re-apply for me..here is my ticket and passport.
Officer : Ok..wait a moment...

After a while....

Officer : Well, here is your visa, pls check the detail to see if there is any wrong.
Customer : (Going through the visa)......hmmm.....i think there is some problem here, as you can see, the gender is written "F" . It should be "M" right???
Officer : err...sorry..just wait a while.
Chi Chi Cham Chi Chi Cham.......with their colleages...at finally...5 minutes later...
Officer : Maybe you can have a sit first. We are trying to connect to the embassy.
Customer : err? ok...
Another 5 minutes gone.....
Officer : Sir, we can't proceed to change the infomation for you right now. Maybe we can suggest that you write down your contact number and once completed we shall get back to you.
Customer :( !#$%^&) unwillingly...ok

What a silly mistake they made. All infomation is provided and still mistake were made. Customers also facing problems calling their ticketing dept. Most of them time is engaged. They should provide more hunting lines and more customer service officers. Out of 30 calls...only 1 or 2 call successfully gone through.

This is just to bad.


Blogger zbjernak said...

wah...luckily u checked
esle really shit

9:49 AM  

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