Tuesday, January 10, 2006

Finally i am back

So..here am i, back to malaysia. My 10 days trip was great and wonderful. I appreciate every seconds of every moments that i spend there with my love. Although the trip was very short but it left an unforgetable memories behind and i learned new cultures and see new things. It was fun and i LOVE it! The temperature was quite ok..most of the time was cool..u know when the day become dark and u walk around the places ...especially with someone you love while listening to those buskers singing along the street...the feeling was just wonderful. The place i like most is the ocean and the beach...and the thing i hated so much was those flies that keep bugging me. It was so irritating!
Now i still left around 2 weeks plus and i will leave this company for good. As usual, i have to start all over again...getting to know the new environment, the peoples, the management and the company.


Blogger zbjernak said...

sounds so romantic

11:53 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah lor, ppl go berbulan madu.hahaha

9:13 PM  

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