Monday, July 02, 2007

Have tag, will not be bored

Here I've been tagged by Sharyn

5 things found in your bag:
- coins
- small umbrella
- small cloths for wiping spectacle
- some papers
- pen

5 things found in your wallet:
- all sort of cards (not poker cards OK!)
- Red notes
- Green notes
- Blue notes
- Receipts

5 favourite things in your room:
- BED!
- Guitar
- Cloths
- Computer
- Souvenirs

5 things you always wanted to do:
- Holiday....especially to beach or island
- re-join a fitness six packs is still 1 pack.
- Bring my parents to holiday
- Train a dog so that he can be my guardian
- Throw resignation letter to my boss

5 things you currently into:
- Trying to do sit up and pumping in house..but always lazy
- Playing an old game..street fighter vs X-Men
- Browse internet at work, like blogging...i don't want to..but...but..
- Day dreaming
- Thinking of lot of things

5 people you tag:
- Zbjernak
- Poreiz
- Kevin ..u still there?
- Dailen
- For those who is bored



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