Friday, June 22, 2007

On this big big world

After 2 months trying, i feel that it is not worth trying anymore.

Being sweats like raining and to sacrifice personal quality time, it had makes me gave up.

I met with an Indian family guy and he has been nice throughout the demonstration. Just that he demanded more than usually supposed to. I was being nice too, in fact i should say too nice. sometimes some people just wanted to take advantages when you have something for them, they always want more. The demonstration went smooth and they looked positive on the product.
When writing the order form, he say he doesn't have credit card, cheque book or cash in the house, demanding that i come to his office next working day to collect meanwhile delivering the machine.

On the next working day itself, just one hour before the delivery, he called up and canceled the order. That was just too sad. I felt like i was conned. This are what happen when you are too nice. These people just can't tell you they don't like it or they don't have the needs. They want to take advantage only. I will be happier if he had told me he don't like the machine and there is no need for it on the day itself.



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