Monday, November 13, 2006

My mission...

Well, is been some time since my last update and i don't feel like blogging like how i used to be anymore. And this might be my last post....and i am done...

Life is so i decided to see a doctor and get some strong drugs make things go faster as it should be.....

Here is all i managed to get....sleeping drugs, 1 poison syrup, strong painkillers, and some Co-Amoxiclav tablets....hopefully good enough for my mission....

Hey...i am not going to die yet...too much things left yet to be completed ! Well, i actually get a bad cough few days ago and i thought that it was just a small matters and i don't bother it much until today my throat is getting so itchy and the cough is getting even worse. I can't stand it anymore and decided to see one of the clinic located at my condominium. It was a newly opened policlinic so i think i should give it a try. It was a indian doctor who get his certification from bombay. We had a chat for around 15 minutes and after diagnosing me, he said that my throat is in very bad shape and i will need some antibiotics. I told him that i was in support line and he was kind enough to give me a MC for that's y i am blogging now...hehe

But when i see the bill, i was shocked...RM65 for normal sickness...cough and fever...I thought that it is going to be around RM35 in PJ area...all right, i telling myself that this is going to be a good medication and i will heal fast. If yes...i got no complain.

The cough syrup that he gave me is a bit different from i used to see. It comes with a measuring in it was saying..."take 2 of this damn tequila pop and it will heal your cough".....

The taste of this cough syrup is awful...but after a minute will feel that it starting to attack the virus at the throat....kind of diff from what i tried before....hope it works...

Well...tomolo i am on MC....hehe...can lazy at home.....cheers!


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