Vision Therapy Eyewear

Since i started to wear glasses last year, i really not comfortable with it as i always need to wipe the fingerprints, dirts and so on. I also hated that my vision has be be framed coz my glass comes with frames and i can always feel the frames. And after a while...someone heard me and they produced this called 'Vision therapy eyewear'.
I don't know how effective it is but i feel is worth for a try. All i wish is to get rid of this troublesome pair of glass.
It says that this eyewear can decrease your degree for 25% in 2-3 weeks time. I just bought it last weekend and i found a little miracle in it. I took off my glasses and i wear this. My vision are eventually sharper without my normal glass. My understanding is that this eyewear is trying to adjust back our vision to normal so that we can throw away the normal glasses into the dusbin.
Peoples says by wearing glasses...
The eyes will be getting smaller...
The eyes area will be looks dropping...
and you will often be called 4 eyes guy....
you missed to see some beautiful chicks when you forgot to put your specs on...
and to avoid that, i am definely going to try this out.
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