Monday, May 19, 2008

I am not me

I know i had been lost and away for so long.

Since i joined my new company, i had been busy from morning till night almost everydays including weekends and holidays.
It had been very unusual for me as i really felt that i lost my life which i used to have. It is suffering. I keep on telling myself that this is the time i can prove myself and push myself to the limit. But after all, sometimes i still think...does all this worth? Will the company appreciate?I know work is important but human still need a balanced life. Maybe i am weak and not strong enough for all this, i started to have bad sleep which my mind kept running and sometimes i woke up in the middle sleep thinking about work that had not been completed. Damn...
But luckily i had some colleagues which had been very helpful along the way, without them, it will be worst.

Every morning i left for work and come back late. I don't have much personal time with my wife either. We both eat seperately most of the time. I know she trying her best to cope with my new work situation but for sure i know she isn't happy sometimes.

I hope things will get better as time goes.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

Maybe is time for you to learn to ‘Cast all your anxiety on God because he cares for you’ (1 peter 5:7). If you really looking forward to have a better balance lifestyle between your career and family, you better learn to do this! I’m pretty sure you want a Win-Win situation. As you know, we are weak and easily get attack and we never know what’s going happen next. Appreciate what you’ve got now and seek for God wills because He is the only shield of us.

12:04 PM  

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