Thursday, January 26, 2006

Something bad and scary...

Yesterday i went to visit my mum and she looks good and getting better. I am glad. Thanks for all that prayed and wished for her..really appreaciate that.
But..yesterday my mum told me something that makes me feel so worry. It is something regarding 3rd world i believe. She said that before she get this kidney stone problem..she often dreamed of bad things. She said..she dreamed that she is at the factory and all the sliding doors are open wide. Then comes few people carrying coffin and told her that... "this is yours". OMG! this is such a bad dream ! She just told us one of her dreams..they are still more...worse still is that she told me she heard ppl playing musical instrument..if i am not mistaken it is called "recorder" ..something like "seruling" whereby u blow and by covering the holes ...there will be different sounds...she said she can hear that most of the time and when she asked my brother, my sister or my dad....they all cannot hear that. What is happening? Bad things please go away...


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