Tuesday, May 02, 2006

Backdated post ..

something i wrote when i was at spore ....

11 March 2006
Here again another weekend and I still at singapore for training. Initially I were thinking to go back kl for a bbq with my ex-colleagues but on the last minute I received my training pass with a condition that I cannot go back malaysia until my training has completed else my pass will be void. It is so ridiculous !! Then what the purpose I apply for this stupid pass, wouldn't it be better if I just don't apply for it and coming in by social visit? Makes me walked here and there just to get this stupid nonsense. I really mad about this. Further more, they need at least 3 weeks to process my application of 1 month training. Therefore by the time I get it, I already ready to go back as my training has completed. Initially I thought everything is good here But after staying here for a while, I changed my view. Anyway I am going back soon, my boss told me I can go back on 24 march! That's good news! It's been long time I didn't hang around with my buddies and I never been to cinema since I came here. Is not that here don't have cinema but going alone here is not fun at all. If I go watch movie alone, I cannot share the joy or excitement of the movie and I can only put it to myself only. When I just came here, I kept going shopping and now I don't do it anymore coz I found it almost the same and there is nothing much to see unless there is events going on at the shopping mall. There is once I went to singapura plaza and they had glamour quest competition. Too bad I cannot take any good picture coz my camera is not good enough, the picture taken looks like ants..too small ! But I tell u, they are all damn good, all very sexy and beautiful. Very tall some more! All at least 180cm!

Friday 17 March 2006
Another week and I still at here..singapore. Just now I was walking around boat quay and I reached end of circular road. There was hawker stalls there and it doesn't look familiar to me. One of the menu seem to be delicious so I decided to order it. It looks like mee goreng thin edition. They called it mee suah. When the bowl of mee was served, I was totally surprised that it was a bit different from what I see from the menu. Anyway it was served, so I just try it. OH MY GOd! The taste was so awful...it taste sour...and the ingredients just can't mixed! I regretted so much...I thought I can get a good meal on this lonely friday. Anyway, that will be my last time eating mee suah.

Saturday 18 March 2006
Today I can sleep till late...I woke up at around 11am. Took a light breakfast and then headed to shopping. First station I went to the bookstore at takashimaya. There's a lot people there. I spended around 1 hour and left for lunch. Along orchard road.. there is peoples walking around giving free gifts like tissue pack, mini notepad, product samples and so on. Everyday there will be people distributing leaflets and brochures everywhere. The most disturbing one are those that keep asking 'are you Singaporian?' when u walking along orchard road. They never stop, keep asking. There is once I was asked for 5 times in a 10 minutes walk. Damn! When u said you're not singaporian, they will asked 'then whe e r u from?' and when I said I am Not local then tney just say is ok..nevermind. I heard from my colleagues that those r actually conman! Those youngsters were being told to do so and there's reward for each prospect that successfully being brought up to their office at level 2 nearby. Each prospect they bring, they will be given SG10. Then from there, there will be a big team of holiday planner consultant to brain wash you. Those vacation club are fake one. If you did sign up with them and by the time you want to redeem or book your hotel, most likely the hotel is not build yet or the hotel actually don't acknowledge the voucher.
Along orchard road, there will be some street performers showing their skills. Here is also quite famous with their waffle ice-cream, it is something like a cube of cutted ice-cream with 2 piece of thin waffle attached to it. Each cost SG1.

Sunday 19 March 2006
The new house mate I have here is damn dirty. The toilet that been used, sometimes never flush and that bloody old indonesian old man keep on splitting, the sound is very disturbing. Damn it!


Blogger zbjernak said...

who told u singapore hawkeer food is good?

hav u try the fried kueh teow singapore version?
oh my god, it sucks to the max..i tell u

1:38 PM  

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