Tuesday, August 23, 2005

At last..i felt a lot better

Recently i was bugged by some MLM people. Too sad that the person is one of my ex-colleagea that i respected so much coz he taught me a lot of things. So i joined their member and i've given RM57 for that membership and i even bought one of the main product for testing. It doesn't take much difference after i tried the health product. So it actually doesn't convience me at all, but somehow they have a lot of testimonial that shows their product actually works for many kind of sickness. This is not the main thing i concern, the main thing that i doesn't like is that they always have meeting and the meeting is always ended EARLY morning...sort of 12am...1am...and they even told me they can held their conversation until 4-5 am. For me ...i am sorry, i don't think so i would join this meeting. Anyhow. sometimes this meeting is unavoidable and they just can't stop talking. Sometimes it is very annoying hearing the same thing for few times and futhermore there are some agents who is really "masked". They way they talked and the way the reacted. I hated that so much. Yesterday my upline come to my place and we had a meeting at mamak stall. He brought along 2 more person to join the meeting. The meeting ended at 1am in the morning. what the hell! They keep on telling me about dreams, motivation and action that i must take. I think yesterday for about 2 and a half hour, i only nodded my head only. After yesterday case, i really feel annoyed, so today i decided and told him that i really don't want to do this MLM thing anymore. He just said "as you like" and we ended our conversation. His tone is not that good anymore....i hope he is ok with that. But after i told him that i quit...i feel a l0t better, no more pressure. Anyhow...no more MLM for me. I guess it is not that suitable for me.


Blogger zbjernak said...

mlm or not...
for everything...

if u r happy...then continue...
else then no point trouble yourself.


11:51 AM  

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