Friday, May 05, 2006

Poor customer service

I was once asked to buy an insurance plan from a so called 'good friend' that i met during college time. So, just to trust him, i bought the insurance from him. It was called Allian insurance. Nothing wrong with the insurance plan but just that the customer service given was very poor. There is few time i requested something from him, but nothing was accomplished. Small matters like changing details of address and so on was also never be done until i contacted the HQ in KL...then it was done. I really feel bad when there is a bad customer service given. I don't care if you are a friend of mine or relatives..when i bought something from you..i deserved a good service. Today i called up their HQ customer service and they responded nicely and professionally..but then when i went to their office...i found out their frontdesk customer service is not what i expected. It was dull, no smiles, no greetings and when i pass them the documents, she just read herself and responded to computer instead of me. For me, i think the basic rules of customer service especially frontdesk...they need to be cheerful, greets the guest and responds to the customer.


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