Tuesday, February 06, 2007


Believe it or not i am stitched 13 times in 2 months time. Damn it.
Well, i had the first surgery on January and according to doctor, the 'fats' pimple like is removed. So, 3 stiches on the chest. Even the doctor can't explain why such pimples grows on the chest. He said it could happen to anyone, not a big deal and it doesn't harm. Just that i don't like to have a permanent pimple lump on my chest.
But as time goes, for around 4 weeks, something else grow on the same spot. And this time, the doctor told me that this is called 'sag' and it grow due to the first surgery effect. I have a feeling that he did not clean up properly on the first surgery and cause this sag grows. He tried 2 injections to flatten up the sag but it failed. So, no choice i have to face another surgery.
This time he told me that he will burn the inner skin so that the sag won't grow again. I smell my skin burned. So, after removing the sag, 3 more stitches for 1 week.
After 1 week, i am happy because everything looks fine. The wound looks good without any infection. I went there to remove the stiches on saturday but too bad he is not around. Then the nurse take care of my stitches . She doesn't look skilled.But anyhow she managed to remove the stitches and get me plastered on the chest.
The next day when i opened the plaster, i was shocked that the wound actually reopened !!! It doesn't stitched togather and it looks wet. !#$%&*##$%^%$^%$^!!!

I quickly went to nearby clinic and get the wound cleand.
What to do, wasting my money and time, i have to go back to the clinic at PJ and get stitched again. This time, i got 7 stitches .
I hope this time is the last time. I don't want anymore stitches !!!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

arrgghh...TMI...too much infomation! anyways, do take care pal.

9:28 PM  

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