Monday, August 29, 2005


Today i am on MC. Feeling very throat is like being skretched inside....then fever somomore....really bad. So this morning after went to the clinic and get some medication...i went home to sleep. Can't really sleep well coz keep on caughing , the throat is getting worse.

Last week i went to a farewell of my buddy and we all had butter crab,marmite crab, deep fried sotong,yam, lala and some noodles. Well, how was the taste? i will rated it as "bad" . Not really nice but afterall the price is very cheap, cost onlyRM200 for 7 peoples. So i guess cheap foods never go good. So after the farewell, my department going to left 2 person only. Too bad...everyone is leaving making the company seems like closing. I wonder what would be my luck? would i get retrenched ? just hope so it won't happen. I can see some sales is coming in but the company still gives us an expression that they are going to close. Our petrol claim is reduced by 50%. Meaning now we only can claim 20 cents per kilometer. That's really sucks! petrol are increasing and we still need to reduce our claim? Till now i don't know what actually happened and nobody actually tell me about it. Everybody seems like just saying " Run ! , baby RUN ! ".

Well, talking about petrol price. Our gov keep on increasing the price. This is the 3rd times if i am not mistaken. They should find other alternatives, how about solar driven car? in such a hot country, i think this should work. But somehow, nobody take the lead to do so.


Blogger Grayson said...

walau eh...their site is really crazy...but our country is actually have our own oil...just that they sell it to other countries and get some cheaper oil for us to use. We should get cheaper wat. But anyhow, gov is gov..they can do whatever they want. We can't do much.

1:56 PM  

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