Wednesday, May 10, 2006

Life is a long road with challenges all the way

After some time, i slowly feel bored. I don't know how but there is pro and cons everywhere. Bad things "A" goes away and Bad thing "B" comes. It always can't be perfect. Or should i say...that's life?

My new joined a stable company. I get paid on the time and all my EPF & Socso was paid problem with that. But now i got another
I seem to be seeing this clearer day after another.

I found out that my manager which i reported selfish, forgetful, throw sarcastic sentences without reason, wanted to win in every situation and don't say sorry after did something wrong. Last few day i was so pissed off with one of the email she wrote.

Since i was a bit free on that week, she assigned me to help her to do some admin job which i not suppose to do. Preparing invitation cards for seminar that going to be held soon. The purpose of this is to get sales lead. I just need to stick the address and stamps. Well, i guess she got pushed by the MD regarding this invitation cards so she kept on chasing me on this. There is one email she said .....

" May i know what is the status of the mailers? This mailer is very important to get sales lead. We throw a lot of money in organizing seminars and my flight tickets to malaysia is expensive too. Can you let me know when you can complete this? OR do you need me to fly to Malaysia doing the mailers for your part? "

Once i saw this mail, i stopped for a moment and think...what kind of words is this? And i attemped to reply but when i asked my colleague to see the mail..she advice me not to reply for good. She had more of those email last time.

Now i have this kind of stupid china-indon manager, she is very good at faking...pretending. And the worse thing is i am in contract for 2 years. But that won't be a problem, worst come to worst, just pay back lor.... I am telling myself...if this time the job sucks, i won't apply for another job anymore. I am so tired of nonsense. I need to come out with my own business.

So now, since i received the sarcastic email from the indon manager, i try not to talk with her even i see her. I am ignoring her. Today she followed my car back to office from a meeting. I drove recklessly to scare her.....hehehe....i speeded up till 120 and then keep jerking the car...sudden overtake and horned cars that drive slowly in front of me. She didn't a bad idea but i felt better.


Blogger poreiz said...

Haha... it's like that lor. Anywhere you work sure got problems one la. Try to see the positive side instead counting the problems. You'll just get frustrated with things. Maybe these problems are to train you and let you learn that when you're in the higher position next time, you don't be like them lor. Learn to tahan. It's time of testing how well you can handle the job. I might not be able to relate well to your job but I know everywhere has it's own problem. I will pray for you :) Persevere...

5:36 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

damn funny la, ur post.

2:29 PM  

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