Saturday, September 10, 2005

A nite of Friday...

Time is 2.25 am now and i still haven't sleep. I just had a "Roti
pisang" and "limau panas" with my housemate at the mamak stall
downstairs. Today is friday, so doesn't feel like sleeping yet.
Initially we are thinking to drive up the hill-Genting Highlands. But
considering the time is late and tomorrow he has to work. Maybe next
time. Today is really a boring day...doing nothing much. Friday should
be a happening day is it? how come it become so boring. Damm !I got a lot of thing to write but just don't know how to start from.
I really feel like playing guitars now but too bad my electric guitar
is at my hometown. I intended to bring it over but my current house at
kl here doesn't seems like a suitable place for it. Here is just too
messy and everything is all around. Now i get to sleep in master room
already but i guess that is temporary coz the person that so called
"leaving" is still renting the room. He already went to singapore to
worked but he still paying rental every month and no solid decisions
has been given to us. If he is coming back to sleep, then i would have
to move out to living hall again. I think if he is coming back, i will
get a new room somewhere instead of waiting for nothing. The
arrangement now is really messy and i don't really like it much.
Then the internet broadband here is really slow! The advertisement
shows that the speed is 384K but after i tested it with broadband
tester on just reached to 60K++ only..later have to screw
those idiots already.
Lately i keep on thinking on what is the ideal job for me. Currently i
am doing consultation job which is quite interesting but for long run i
think it wouldn't be good..coz it only limits me to grow within this
country. i need something that requires me to travel from countries to
countries to see different people with different faces and cultures. I
want to learn something that i can bring it to anywhere. If i were to
jump to another field that is not what currently i am doing...what
normally the employers say is that i don't have much experiences in
this or the conclusion is ...i would not likely to get a pay
rise. As they need to train me....Unless they are willing to invest. Normally nowdays, an employer hopes that you can do multi-tasking and
with the pay the willing to give you, you will work like until you look
like a zombie.
that's life...


Blogger zbjernak said...

ur blog kena spam...

changing...field...something tht i still think not very bright idea..
i m still regretting it...

low pay, treated as janitor, learn from basic...

but then again...there are prices to pay for success...though i m paying the price now...even though i m not sure if this is wht i want... sigh

make sure you think properly before changing...and if u it now...for we are still "young" try and test water

10:27 AM  

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